© Piotr Chrobot | Unsplash

17. June 2021
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Further information
Do you have an innovative solution that can contribute to the climate neutrality goals of cities and increase their resilience?
The online B2B event Tech4SmartCities on June 17 will help you find suitable project partners for international collaborations or R&D projects to further develop your technology. Also take advantage of the opportunity to pitch to international investors and business angels!
What are the thematic priorities?
- Smart cities and communities, ICT for cities
- Smart mobility and logistics, MaaS
- Energy efficiency of buildings and urban districts
- Renewable energy, energy management and recovery, smart grids and energy systems integration
- Circular economy and nature-based solutions for urban districts
- Smart, healthy and safe living.
The event is aimed at companies, public authorities and municipalities, industry associations, universities and research centers as well as investors and business angels.
Important note: The event will be held in English.
Registration for the Pitch Session is still possible until May 28th!