The exchange of opinions, ideas and concepts, as well as the promoting of cooperation and of a joint network can only be achieved through a large number of strong partners:

Green Fusion is developing an energy manager for the intelligent, optimised control of hybrid (regenerative) energy systems in buildings. In the process, the sectors of electricity, heat and mobility are centrally controlled and connected in order to increase efficiency and reduce energy and maintenance costs as well as CO2 emissions.

The company AQUATEC Hoch- & Niederdrucktechnik was the basis for today’s group of companies. In 2008 and in February 2013, the companies AQUATEC Energy and AQUATEC On- & Offshore Service GmbH were founded respectively. Both are based on and draw from the 20 years of operational experience that has been gathered. The Aquatec Group is a company that specialises in cleaning and renovation, for which it uses surface technologies of up to 3000 bar. The company can also rely on experience in the field of mobile water jet cutting technology.

The UVB is the leading economic and socio-political association in the region. It is made up of 60 business and employers' associations from industry, trade, insurance and service sectors as well as the skilled trades. Further members are nationally active associations without a regional structure which participate in the UVB to represent their local member companies. The UVB is also the regional association of the Federal Association of German Employers' Associations (Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände) and the regional representative of the Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie).

The association Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network e.V. (BEN) is a network and the central interest group of the energy revolution in Berlin-Brandenburg. It lies at the intersection of the fields of economy, politics and science, therefore promoting solutions for an effective execution of the energy revolution in the region. Furthermore, it supports the business activities of the sector.

Within the network “Berliner NetzwerkE” businesses and higher education institutions work together on the topics of energy efficiency and renewable energies. Berlin’s energy agency “Berliner Energieagentur” is responsible for the network management. Together the partners within the network develop joint innovative concepts, products and services with a focus on topics related to energy, which they subsequently turn into model projects. Berliner NetzwerkE is open towards new partners that wish to actively participate in shaping Berlin as an energy location.

With around 2,600 students and 21 courses of study in three faculties, the Brandenburg University of Technology (THB) offers the best opportunities for intensive and practice-oriented study of economics, computer science or technology. The faculties provide application-oriented teaching, further education and research in an interdisciplinary manner. The research profile of the THB is characterized by interdisciplinary security research, digital transformation and energy and resource efficiency.

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is a University of Technology with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. The combination of basic and application-oriented research results in solutions that are in demand worldwide in the key areas environment, energy, materials, construction, health, information and communication technology.

The “Brandenburg Energy Technology Initiative” (“Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative” or ETI) is a joint project of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Potsdam. As an information and communication platform aimed at creating a network consisting of small and medium-sized enterprises, the initiative participates in many measures taken for the implementation of the Energy Strategy 2030 of the State of Brandenburg.

The Federal Association of Medium-sized Businesses – Entrepreneurs' Association of Germany e. V. is a leading association of medium-sized businesses based in Berlin. The BVMW represents the interests of medium-sized businesses in Germany across all professions and sectors and is independent of party politics.

The association CEBra e.V. (“Centre for Energy Technology Brandenburg”) is the provider and initiator of the regional network “Moderne Kraftwerkstechnik” (“Modern Power Station Technology”). The network deals with modern power station technology and is anchored in the state of Brandenburg in the Cluster Energy Technology Berlin-Brandenburg. It is the initiator of various interdisciplinary industry projects in the field of energy, and as such CEBra e.V. complements the structures of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and of the market-oriented company CEBra GmbH.

The Cleopa Company is a partner in all questions concerning energy and resource efficiency. To this end, Cleopa advise commercial, municipal and non-profit clients throughout Germany on projects supported by the BAFA, the KfW Bank and also support the financing applications for implementation. Cleopa's employees participate in national and international research projects as well as in standardization committees of DIN and CEN and develop sustainable solutions for the success of our clients.

Based in Lusatia, a region in eastern Germany undergoing major structural change, the CDI is an interdisciplinary network acting as an idea generator and incubator for a successful transition to greenhouse gas neutral industry.

The company DTM focuses mainly on consulting services and process analyses aimed at optimising energy generation plants (35 kW to 100 kW) that use hidden fuels. In the fields of technical sales, marketing, customer acquisition and market analysis DTM is at home on globally defined target markets. The company’s expertise is based on years of experience in a technical environment and on international projects; this experience is the very basis of the company’s success and the epitome of its philosophy: thoroughness, perfection and ingenuity.

Digitalwerk supports small and medium-sized enterprises in Brandenburg in digitization. At practice-oriented experience stations, in workshops and events, digital technologies can be experienced for the trade and medium-sized businesses.

E.DIS AG is one of the largest regional energy service providers in Germany, far beyond the classic topic of energy supply. For the future of the region, E.DIS is committed to broadband expansion and electric mobility and is actively shaping the energy world of tomorrow - regionally, closely and reliably.

With about 2,200 students and 61 professors*, the HNEE is the smallest university in Brandenburg. Sustainable development is the maxim for action and is consistently implemented in all areas of the university - in teaching, research, operations and transfer - and further developed in a participatory manner.

As a bridge between science and industry, more than 90 researchers at the Energy Innovation Center (EIZ) of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg work with over 40 partners to develop innovative solutions and technologies for a climate-neutral energy supply - in Lusatia and worldwide.

Our solar and storage solutions enable you to generate clean, renewable energy, promote self-sufficiency and increase resilience to energy market developments. We support you throughout the entire project. Tailor-made solutions: Adapted to the needs of your company.

EnerKíte develops airborne wind power stations, which can produce eco-electricity in a consistent way at unrivalled cheap prices. The planned product portfolio ranges from container solutions starting at 100 kW all the way to installations for industrial electricity production of up to 2 MW.

With 6.2 million tons, we are a global leader in the production and supply of sustainable industrial wood pellets and as a provider of bio-to-X solutions for activating value chains in the industrial bioeconomy. We offer long-term security of supply at a stable price that includes CO₂ price security.

The ESM Energy System Management GmbH takes over the technical and commercial management of power stations in order to provide system services for the European electricity grid, predominantly for the German control area. Among other things it operates a virtual power station for the management of stationary mass storage units linked to photovoltaic systems in Niederlehme.

The company Euro-K GmbH focuses on research-based engineering and construction activities for the development of special components (e.g. high-temperature particle separators and dual fuel burners). The company boasts comprehensive simulation and computational capacities in the areas of flow analysis, strength tests as well as process optimisations, which it uses for the analysis and development of individual components or overall systems. At the very heart of all the projects lies the micro gas turbine.

As an innovative service provider, EWE is active in the business areas of energy, telecommunications and information technology. With over 10,100 employees and a turnover of 8.6 billion euros in 2022, EWE is one of the largest energy companies in Germany. The company, headquartered in Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, is predominantly municipally owned. It supplies around 1.4 million customers with electricity, around 0.7 million with natural gas and around 0.7 million with telecommunications services in northwest Germany, Brandenburg, Rügen and parts of Poland. EWE plays a pioneering role in the areas of supply security, climate protection and digital participation. To this end, the Group is investing over one billion euros in the expansion of the fibre-optic infrastructure in the northwest in the coming years, four billion euros in the construction of new wind power plants and is a leader in the expansion of the hydrogen infrastructure.

Project engineering, project management of energy projects based on renewable sources.

The company GeoClimaDesign AG is a producer of capillary tube mats, surface heating and cooling systems for new constructions and the renovation of residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The company uses its products in the form of ceiling heating or cooling or it integrates them into walls or floors. In order to achieve this, it uses heat pump systems, hybrid systems and CHP systems and deploys them in low-temperature networks and the cooling of buildings without CO2. The company also offers products for the carbon-dioxide-free turf heating; among other things, systems preventing the forming of ice, photovoltaic solar thermal energy pairings and ice storages.

Gexx aeroSol GmbH is a full-service provider of solar-centric renewable energy solutions located in Wildau near Berlin. Established in 2011, the experienced team of energy consultants, engineers, experts and technicians is specialized in realizing holistic concepts comprising solar PV, battery storage systems, heat pumps and e-mobility.

Ranging from the smart electricity metre or the wireless light switch to the transmitting washing machine: smart home technologies will change the future of our lives and of economic activities in buildings. The network and association “green with IT e.V.” within the programme GRW is being supported by Berlin’s Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research and it tests and implements new application fields for software and hardware. It does so in cooperation with innovative partners from the field of housing and facility management in the framework of specific pilot projects.

Hydrogeit Verlag was founded in January 2004 by Sven Geitmann and is still the first and only German publishing house of books on renewable energies, hydrogen and fuel cells. The product range includes non-fiction books on hydrogen and fuel cells as well as the German magazine HZwei and the English e-journal H2-international.

Founded in 2017, the Helmholtz Innovation Lab HySPRINT is a cooperation platform between industry and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin with a focus on (opto)electronic materials and devices at an early technological stage of development. In ultramodern laboratories located in the Berlin-Adlershof Technology Park we provide our industrial partners access to all relevant technological processes.

IBAR Systemtechnik is an engineering company for automation technology with more than 50 engineers who mainly deal with hardware and software engineering for industrial customers and their energy and process control systems. As a system integrator, it equips energy control stations in the fields of electricity, heat, gas and water with all functionalities from Smart Grid to Smart Region. As part of Smart City projects, IBAR supplies a system solution ICC (intelligent Control Center).

For their Edge Analytics Services, Industrial Analytics uses first and foremost engineering knowledge in the form of physics-based models for processes and rotating equipment like turbines and compressors. This is combined with vibration monitoring to provide you with insights that are easy to interpret to prevent downtime, plan maintenance.

The IBBF (a research institute for topics of continuing vocational education and training in companies) develops research and development projects, innovative concepts and solutions for vocational education and training in companies and for work design. In close cooperation with our clients from the fields of politics and economy, these concepts are then developed and provided for real-life use. The range of services includes research and model projects, transfer of practice, case studies, empirical enquiries and evaluations as well as scientific support for funding programmes and innovation projects.

The Innovation Centre Energy bundles and brings together the activities of the TU Berlin in the field of energy research. This means that it networks the expert knowledge in the field of energy available at the IZE and offers a central platform for communication and cooperation with industrial and external research partners. The IZE promotes and supports young people in the field of energy and strengthens energy research in the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region.

As part of the Education and Innovation Campus Crafts of the Chamber of Crafts Trades Potsdam, the Competence Center for Energy Storage and Energy System Management already presents application-oriented solutions for the regenerative, decentralized energy supply of tomorrow in an exemplary and practical manner. Using real-time data of the energy flows from the decentralized energy system installed on site, a complex energy system is mapped.

The cooperation network EuReffuS is the leading network in the field of energy and resource efficiency and as such it offers innovative products and solutions in the field of efficiency technologies in industry and trade. In the framework of cooperative research and development projects, we develop new future-proof solutions.

The IHP performs research and development in the fields of silicon-based systems, highest-frequency integrated circuits, and technologies for wireless and broadband communication. The focus of research at the institute is oriented towards issues relevant for business, resulting in applications for telecommunications, semiconductor and automotive industries, aerospace, telemedicine, and automation technologies. The institute has developed into an internationally recognized competence center for silicon-germanium technologies.

The Network Lightweight Design Metal Brandenburg is a union consisting of partners from the fields of science and economy with special expertise in metal lightweight design and hybrid lightweight design. The network supports its members in their search for lightweight design solutions, potential partners, suppliers and research institutes and it also provides information on suitable funding programmes. As a network in Brandenburg, the LMB is involved in the Cluster strategy of the state and it is in direct contact with the relevant partners of the clusters and the different economic development agencies in order to provide coordination and cooperation.

With its high-temperature storage systems, LUMENION makes renewable energies available for the heating market and thus provides an important building block for decarbonisation. TESCORE stores fluctuating wind and solar power as high-temperature heat and thus flexibly and reliably supplies district heating in addition to industrial process heat.

me energy is the first provider and operator of grid-independent fast charging stations. The products and services of me energy enable the economic and widespread breakthrough of electromobility and thus make an important contribution to the decarbonization of our way of life.

MinGenTec or 'Mining & Generation Technology - Made in Germany' is a network of companies and scientific entities that pools resources and know how to enhance innovation and the internationalisation of companies in the German Capital Region.

NEKO energia has been helping customers optimise their electricity use for 20 years. Our motto is "Energy under control". NEKO energia is a wide range of services: power engineering, energy storage, industrial assembly, energy management systems, photovoltaics, component sales.
We perform our services throughout Europe.

The Havelstoff project will produce sustainable, renewable and CO2-negative hydrogen from non-recyclable waste via Plasma Gasification. The Premnitz-based circular economy project will produce up to 8500 tons of fuel cell-grade (99.99%) green hydrogen and up to 150,000 tons of industrial-grade liquefied CO2 annually.

PRIGNITZ Mikrosystemtechnik develops and produces, among other things, pressure, temperature and humidity sensors, which are specially adapted to customer requirements, and has its own clean room. The internationally successful company employs around 60 people, almost one in five of whom is engaged in research and development.

The company Professor Dr. Berg & Kießling GmbH (B + K) specialises in the development and construction of innovative and environmentally friendly energy-technical installations based on micro gas turbines. All products make it possible to use fossil energy sources sparingly and to use energy sources or residues – so-called hidden fuels – efficiently.

Rösberg Engineering is a family-owned engineering company with operations in Karlsruhe, Ludwigshafen, Rheinfelden and Schwarzheide. For over 50 years we've been involved with around 130 Employee electrical and automation projects for our customers. Our portfolio start from conception till over implementation.

Saxovent Smart Eco Investments GmbH is a Berlin-based developer of projects in the fields of wind and solar energy and sustainable real estate projects. In addition, Saxovent is active as a venture capital investor, with a focus on agriculture. The company is committed to climate protection and aims to save 30 million tons of CO2 by 2030.

SEK Consulting is a dynamically growing strategy consultancy from Berlin. We develop effective strategies, business models and projects around the topics of sector coupling and green hydrogen for our clients. Our team consists of economic, energy and H2 technology experts. We are a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.

The Digital Business Association Berlin-Brandenburg is the interest group for companies in the field IT and Internet economy in Berlin and Brandenburg. It connects important players of the sector and represents their interests in politics and society, but it also promotes an active interaction with user companies of all the other sectors in the region.

There is a strong political commitment to Berlin as a "Smart City". In April 2015, the Berlin Senate adopted the Berlin Smart City Strategy. The goals of the Smart City Strategy include, among other things, expanding the international competitiveness of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region, increasing Berlin's resource efficiency and climate neutrality by 2050, and creating a pilot market for innovative applications.

Currently the public utility company Stadtwerke Hennigsdorf GmbH supplies 9,500 households, more than 50 companies and about 35 municipal institutions with district heating. Today half of the heat energy is already being produced from renewable sources. The project “Wärmedrehscheibe” or “Heat Hub” will increase the share of renewable sources; through waste heat utilisation in the local steel mill, the construction of a large-scale solar power station and of multipurpose storage devices, heat production will be carbon-dioxide-free to an extent of more than 80% by 2021. As of 2025, the utility company wants to produce 100% of the heat in a climate-neutral way.

Stromnetz Berlin is responsible for Berlin's distribution grid and offers for 2.35 million households and businesses a sustainable basis for all desired energy solutions.

umetec GmbH has been producing steel construction for the wind power and solar industry for 20 years - that's two decades under the sign of the energy transition. As a full-service provider, it plans and manufactures individual solutions made of metal. With the CARTHEIA solar carport made of high-quality steel, the company has brought an innovation to the market.